Each and every appliances we use needs electricity. If we walk around we can see there are millions of dollars invested in the infrastructure of transferring electricity. These electric wires are not only bulky but look ugly as well. Just imagine, what if we able to transfer electricity without wires? And yes this is going to happen in next few years. Researches at MIT have found a technology to transfer power without wires. The concept is known as Witricity or Wireless Electricity. They were able to light a 60W bulb placed at a distance of 2m from the power source.
Now the Question arises that how this is possible?
The changing current in the first coil causes a changing magnetic field around it. This changing magnetic field produces a current in secondary coil and a secondary voltage around it. The Witricity uses the same principle with a little difference.
Consider a coil resonating at 10 GHz and carrying a current. The current produces magnetic field around it. If we place a similar coil with same resonating frequency, the magnetic lines of force are transferred and a current is induced in the secondary coil causing a voltage around it. The diagram shows the concept.
Applications :
- It can be used in powering the home apliances without cables.
- Electrical cars: Electrical cars can change themselves when you parked them into the garage.
- Industrial Applications
Advantages :
- Safety : Since Magnetic lines of forces have no harmful effects on living things, It is very safe.
- No batteries : Batteries if not disposed properly can be haarmful. This can replace batteries in future life to power the wireless device
- Low cost: The cost of manufacturing such devices is not much higher.
- More Effective : It is 50% more effective than traditional batteries.
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